is recognized world-wide as the leader in high efficiency muzzle brake technology. Reduces recoil more than suppressor ( see field test data) More maneuverable, because it’s lighter and shorter than a suppressor. i just need to know what brakes work the best for you guys and what size to go Great DEALS on our line of ODIN Works Muzzle Brakes & Compensators at OpticsPlanet. Its specific design is heat and corrosion resistant, built from 400-series stainless steel. But how does it work? Patrick Kelley explains! Shop SilencerCo ASR Muzzle Brake | Up to 15% Off 4. 93 out of 5 The muzzle blast from a braked 223 or 6mm BR doesen't even approach the blast from a bare barrel 308, 30-06. 56mm Developed from the ground up and backed by knowledge gained from years of pushing the edge of muzzle device performance, the Precision Armament Hypertap muzzle brake delivers more than we’ve ever offered before. This results in a very neutral feel to the firing rifle unlike some brakes that depend primarily on the thrust effect. 275” Let CMMG be your #1 source for AR muzzle devices such as muzzle brakes, flash hiders, and compensators to ensure your AR build is a cut above the rest. Doing a precision build that can stretch its legs and reach out and touch on the 6mm Arc AR15 platform. The Hellfire Muzzle Brake has rearward facing ports for the ultimate in recoil reduction.
We have used a lot of brakes over the … Our Gen 2 is a two-piece design that allows the shooter to quickly install or remove their muzzle brake for whatever reason. Choose an option Black Nitride Stainless Steel. Ear and Rifle Muzzle Brakes & Thread Protectors. No JD jonesing involved.Best 6mm muzzle brake.
They used the 338BR in silhouette competition back in the 60s before jd was playing with whispers.and this one is really a full size BR case with the neck set to the cal you want. JD jones seems to get upset when folks use his trademarked whisper name and its not worth fooling with him. We have been calling this one the 338BR to avoid confusion with the 223 based cartridge and also because it was the first one to have been used. You can do it in one but the neck thickness isn't as consistent. The lapua stuff is much better and we normally use two buttons to bring the neck diameter up from 6mm. I've had the sides split the first shot and consistency case to case is crap. I started out using Remington 7BR brass which is available every once in a while but it is crap brass. The reamer I'm using doesn't seem to care, neck area is large enough to accept the ridge. I haven't seen any accuracy differences but some chambers don't like the ridge left when you pull the shoulder up into the neck on the 6mmBR cases.

I've done a few AR 10 types and they work well but aren't as accurate as the bolt guns. 473" bolt face and typical short actions work fine. All of them have been very accurate, easy to load for and the quietest subsonics I've yet heard suppressed. A friend using my reamer had done a number of Remington 700's and they are great shooters. 8 in twist is standard though some prefer a bit faster if they run copper solids or the lehigh brass solids. We are shooting everything from 300gr Sierra matchkings at 1050fps to 180 Barnes or Hornady at 2300fps or more depending on barrel length. The reamer is available from PTG I think.have to look at mine. There is another 338 whisper based on the necked up 223 case that is a waste of time. We use 6mmBR cases made by Lapua necked up to 338. Its based on the 30 Benchrest which is a shortened 308 case. I've done quite a few barrels for the Desert tacticals in 338BR which some call the 338 whisper.